Sunday, November 24, 2013

I'll Hide Your Word in My Heart

Memorizing the Bible

 "I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
Psalm 119:11

This morning I was spending time with the Lord and decided I was going to start memorizing the Bible. With the goal being to memorize the Word by the end of 2014 - in 1 year and 1 month. 

I realize this is impossible for a girl who struggles reading, has never been able to memorize scripture, and has very little time working from 8am - 8pm most but I LOVE opportunities to lean entirely on God.

So HERE WE GO! Another challenge... I'm praying and believing that I will commit to this one entirely.

My Reason
There are a ton of benefits to memorizing scripture. I can go into those in a later post, but I do believe that is one thing we should all strive to do.  However, honestly I chose to do this now because I was getting kind of bored with just reading the Word.  It is natural to get bored when you are doing the same thing every day. So, we had to mix it up a bit. Keep our love life interesting :) haha! I love Jesus!

My Method
I looked up how other people memorize the Bible and have talked with people about their methods for memorizing scripture. (I will write another post explaining why I chose these methods, but for now...)  

This is what I am doing to memorize scripture:

1. Reading the Word out loud several times (meditating on it and praying for revelation)
2. Reading the Word while speaking in tongues several times
3. Reciting the Word with my eyes closed
4. Reciting the Word with my eyes open
5. Reading the Word again speaking in tongues

Review Twice Daily

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pour In to Pour Out

Please Support Missions! DONATE HERE

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to go to Brazil, Honduras, and India in 2014, in addition to the missions work I do in the States.  I am believing that I will be fully funded this year.  If you can, please donate here! Any amount will be greatly appreciated! 

As a monthly partner or one-time supporter there are great opportunities to get involved and experience what is happening on the field and how you are literally changing someone's eternity. 

When you GIVE here, please include your information so that I may get in contact with you!

What Will I Be Doing?

My first trip will be to Brazil. I will be working with a women's and children's refuge center. I am thrilled about this! My heart is without a doubt for children; but also for affirming, edifying, and empowering women and men, and equipping them to realize their worth through the eyes of God. 

My next stop will be to Honduras.  I will be working with a group of missionaries to host a mass crusade! We will spend time in the communities bringing food, clothes, and toys to the needy. While in the communities we will also be praying for individuals and leading them to a relationship with Christ. 

My last international trip will be to India. Where I will be working in slums. I will be bringing food and resources to the needy, as well as praying for and encouraging hearts there.

I will simultaneously be continuing my ministry in the States for young ladies. Hosting bible studies, doing side walk evangelism and prayer, community service, and empowering young ladies. I am hoping to take a group of girls with me to Honduras and am trying to raise some support for them as well. 

Again, thank you so much for you love, prayers, and support. All of your donations will go to missions (with the exception of the 8% that will be taken from utilizing the online resource). Every dollar counts! Your donation will directly impact lives! Thank you for pouring into me so that I may pour into others!

I love you dearly!
