Thursday, April 3, 2014

G I R L S with S W O R D S

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled into a women's small group at my church. I had no invitation or materials, just a nudge to be there.  Thankfully, the women welcomed me with open arms!

The small group was called "Girls with Swords" based on the book & devotional by Lisa Bevere.

Immediately, I cocked my head back in awe of His perfect timing, YESS!!! I was so excited about the concept of GIRLS with SWORDS! It fed my Xena warrior princess alter ego that I have in the spirit!  I stumbled into the second to last of classes that had been going on for 2 months, so needless to say, I missed a ton! But, what was said in that session completely B L E W my mind!!

Lisa spoke about all of the different types of spiritual swords we carry as women, their purpose, and when to properly use them.  Seriously, it was AMAZING!!!

This curriculum really blessed me, I had to share this with you! Maybe your church could host a course, or you could lead one!

I know it could bless you & your community as well!