Be I N S P I R E D

There are many small things that happen every day that inspire us. Here I will share some of the things that inspire me. Hopefully it makes you smile. Be encouraged!

  • Locked Out: Silly me. Last night I locked myself out of my house. My complex does not do lockouts, you must wait until someone is in the office and can open your door. My plan, sleep in the car? Seeing as it was Saturday that would have been a pretty sucky plan. So I shot my landlord a text seeing if she would be in the office Sunday. She said yes. I said great! She asked why, I told her I locked myself out. Thirty minutes later she arrived in her PJs to open my door. This older woman doesn't even live in my city. She told me that the weather was dropping tonight and she could not have me sleeping in my car, I would freeze to death. Seems common place right? That she'd come open my door...Well it sure did remind me of the love that still exists in the hearts of each of us, for one another.

  • Thrifty: A young lady that goes to my church decided she was going to bless me with a bag of clothes! Not once, but twice! And these clothes are gorgeous! I was so thrilled A.) that the Lord put me on her heart to give these clothes to and B.) that she was willing to donate the clothes. I never ever go shopping. Malls make me nauseous and there are not any good thrift stores where I live now. In my heart I knew I needed new clothes, but financially I prioritize everything thing else, and I really didn't want to go through the hassle of finding things that fit.  Haha! Our Poppa hears our hearts! (even in the little things)

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