Thursday, May 1, 2014

H A R V E S T I N G in N.America

To be completely honest, The Parables of Jesus are absolutely mortifying to me.

In fact a huge arm of this blog "Fertilly" seeded (fertilly is not a word, btw i made it up for my purposes) is in direct reference to one of them, in an effort to constantly remind & to hold me accountable to all of the Parables.

I don't want to be like the one who hid their treasures in the ground or like rocks, good for nothing but walking on.  I want to be wise and fertile ground. I want the Lord to throw His seeds all on me because He knows that a great harvest will be produced.

That being said, one of the biggest obstacles I face is ministering ("harvesting") in the U.S.  I love international missions. Going to the most desolate, desperate places and introducing individuals to the abundance they find in relationship with Jesus Christ ... is A M A Z I N G! Their faith is at remarkable levels and therefore, God totally blows our minds every single time.

In the U.S. comfort, arrogance, and pride are too often my opponent.  I have the hardest time ministering to someone who has "everything" and knows "everything".  The Word has been so distorted in the U.S... a bit of God here (pulled completely out of context), mixed with a whole lot of LIES. But how do you tell someone who achieved "success" and "happiness" standing on their "scriptures" that this lifestyle they are promoting, based on the "scriptures" they put together, is actually not Biblically sound?

Well, if you're like me you just ask a ton of questions so you can be extra specific when you pray for them. You let your lifestyle become your ministry and be open to opportunities to pour into the lives around you and introduce them to Christ.

I truly believe ministering in the US is one of the most difficult tasks. It requires you to patiently fight comfort by becoming uncomfortable; and arrogance and pride with humility.  It is often a long journey that requires a ton of perseverance, patience, grace, and genuine relationship.

As hard and challenging as my day to day endeavors are in the States, I have to remind myself to get uncomfortable NOW, this time is nothing compared to eternity.

This is the Reason I am ... HARVESTING in N. America.

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