Friday, February 7, 2014

J O U R N A Ling

I love quiet time/ reading on my jumbo round couch, driving, or just sitting in my car pulled over to the side of the road... because that is when my mind is silent enough for me to hear the Lord speaking most clearly.

After the Lord speaks to you, what do you do?

I would normally just get really excited and say "Wow!", "I am going to do that!" or call and tell someone what was just revealed to me.  Rarely did I write things down... writing was boring, made my hands hurt, and took forever!

However, the Lord does not say tell the vision, the Lord instructs us to "write the vision".  So, I pushed my spoiled little emotions to the side, told them to shut up, and picked my pen up.  The reward of journaling may not be evident immediately (if it never becomes evident to you, it doesn't matter - someone may find your journal years after you have left the earth and it may lead them to Jesus - just do it in obedience).

My reward in journaling is reading what I have written years later. I am reminded of where I was, who I was, and what the Lord spoke into my life.  I am taken back to the most amazing moments in my life and am instantly reignited. Or I am reminded of the toughest moments and remember how the Lord brought me through! Either way the outcome is the same. My passion and fire for God and my purpose are set ablaze!

I challenge you to find the place where your spirit is the quietest, start journaling. and be open to however the Lord speaks to you in the process!