Tuesday, May 13, 2014

H I S princess

Almost every young girl grows up desiring to be a princess. I didn’t. I used to envision myself living in a hut, catching my food, and roasting it over a fire pit. My realization that I was a princess didn’t actually come until later in life, when I found a relationship with Jesus Christ.

My God! He spoils me like crazy! It is absolutely ridiculous and BLOWS my mind on a regular basis.  When I think of all I am (not) deserving of and look at my life, it doesn’t make any sense.

I receive so much favor and so much love, not because I am Kamilah or because I am lucky, but because I am His! Even when I was fighting back He loved me relentlessly, but WOW… once I stopped fighting it was amazing what that allowed Him to do in my life.

I often think of my relationship with Christ as a modern day fairy tale. If I had to pick a Disney version, I’d say The Little Mermaid.  However, the book, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, totally wrecked my life because the Lord affirmed me so much as I read this story, which so effortlessly resembled much of my own.  My life was not the same after I read that book. I began to understand God’s heart for me and His pursuit of me.  I cried every day for a week and would spend many weekends slain in the Spirit on my bedroom floor… utterly WRECKED in the best way possible.

I feel like I remember the last time the Lord reached out His hand and picked me up off of that bedroom floor. In an instant I felt myself being completely healed of so much hurt, pain, shame, and guilt.  I left all of the baggage on the floor, as He swooped me into His arms, and carried me into everything He had waiting for me. (ahhhh! God is so amazing! – I get goosebumps thinking about it)

It wasn’t until this moment on the floor I realized all that the Lord had for me. And I RAN with it! I wore my tiara so proudly. I knew my Daddy was the King of Kings & I was His Daughter – you could not tell me anything! “Hi my name is Kamilah, I am a Princess!” Everything was #HisPrincess #MyDaddyisaKing. Haha! I am sure people were looking at me puzzled thinking, she cannot be a grown woman.  But nothing really mattered to me, everything was hearts and daisies, I was floating on cloud 9 – discovering more and more about my Kingdom and my Daddy.

From that moment on, I rarely worried about anything! I knew my Daddy would work everything out for me! I mean, hello! I am a princess! It was crazy how if I even just thought about needing something, the Lord would bring someone to give it to me, before I even asked! If I heard a weird sound from my car, I could barely think about the possibility of the burden of going to the mechanic before it would get fixed FOR FREE!

I don't know if you are reading this still living in the bondage of worry, doubt, or wondering what the Lord has for you, but if you've given your life to Him - trust Him. Fall into the freedom and love He has for you!
You are His and He loves you more than you could possibly imagine!

- Signed: Your Fellow Princess

The Reason I am His Princess.

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