Monday, March 17, 2014

P R E S S I N G in

i L O V E this image. this is what i want my life to look like to those around me. i want my life to be laid prostrate before His throne daily. i want each moment to be worship. i want to be completely lost in the love of Jesus Christ.

I remember when I would rush home after work, throw my things down, run into my room, and close the door. I'd sit on my bed and the Lord would just begin to speak and I would feel Him! 

Ah! His presence...

I lived for those moments! and they came so easily.

Until they stopped coming so easily, and the Lord required me to really P R E S S in, to experience more of Him.  I refer to as P R E S S I N G in as being similar to what David described as commanding his soul, how Jacob wrestled with God, or Jesus in Luke 22:44. They were pressing in!

They had to press past their emotions, distractions, and opposition to get into the presence of God.

And their lives were never the same once they left that moment.

I have to ask myself often, how often do I throw up 5 minute prayers and miss getting into the presence of God because I am being lazy or because I'm tired or because I couldn't feel Him? When am I going to stop being led by the flesh and take the time to P R E S S in, even if it takes hours!?  

This is one of the hardest things for me because it requires a lot of discipline. 

Some strategies that have helped me P R E S S in when I don't just feel His presence instantly:

1. I always start my quiet time by repenting
(sin separates us from  God, this time is for me to get closer to Him so I start here)

2. Read Scripture or a Devotional Book

3. Determine how that scripture is relevant to your life & W R I T E it down!
(it is always relevant!)

4.   Thank God for speaking & thank Him for everything else He has done today
(from the smallest things - like clean underwear to the larger things)

5. Lay your burdens before Him - Speak them!
(visualize yourself leaving them at the throne of God)

6. Lay your life at the throne - Speak it!
(visualize it!)

7. Worship! Until the Lord starts speaking

8. Be quiet & listen

by the end, that picture up top is pretty much my life. sprawled out somewhere, completely L O S T in love!

i get butterflies just talking about that place!

Remember P R E S S I N G in has nothing to do with how hungry you are to get in the presence of God. In fact, it is the complete opposite, it is chasing Him when you have no desire, its not optimal, and when you don't think your eyes will stay open one more second. 

similar to working out, once you get through it you'll be so glad you did. 

keep P R E S S I N G. this is training ground for what's to come!